Friday, December 23, 2011

A wintery walk

While Steve was away for two weeks we spent more time than usual out of the house, keeping active and using up energy to make bed time a little easier. I also appreciated the miraculous sudden boost to my patience level when out in the fresh air. It's best if there's a view, but those are not easy to come by in Belgium, at least not around here.  
Here are a few pictures from one chilly afternoon walk in some nearby fields.
 Long shadows on a December afternoon.

Brendan is pointing out the "quarter moon" to Tadhg. We walked for a while and came across two young men using metal detectors in a field. Brendan was full of curiosity so we asked one what he was doing and he let the boys hold an old coin he had just found. We were walking on a fairly flat field but it is on the highest bit of ground in the area so it was easy to imagine a settlement up there at some point.

Later in the week we came back to this spot for a few branches to bring some christmassy red into the house. We also picked some branches full of sloe berries and some green pine and something like a spruce though I'm not sure exactly what it is.

We ran in and out of a corn field. Though it's december and these plants are clearly dead I imagine the corn is still useful for something- perhaps animal feed?

All in all one of those walks that is like so many others but so special at the same time.

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