Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The next phase is upon us

We’re off to South Korea. We have only been in wonderful Kingston, Ontario for a year, and this time last year we were talking up a storm about staying put  and settling in and PUTTING DOWN ROOTS! I guess our roots just get pulled up and come along with us. We have that nomadism gene I read about in National Geographic or similar.

We did build community very quickly, as always, and what a community!! We’d come back here in a heartbeat. We’ll leave a bit of ourselves behind, and take a whole lot of Kingston love with us.  We’ll miss people and places and spaces and events. Lots of awesome people!

Who knows if we can actually stick to the plan this time, but the current plan  involves regular blog updates. And to help with that I’m trying to do it on my phone, despite blogger telling me “this browser is unsupported and may behave unexpectedly.” There isn’t an app for our ancient blog format apparently. So we may start a new one. But first, a test. Now to attach a photo :)

Alright, so it’s not  the photo of a house full of boxes that I just snapped. It seems I can only upload photos already backed up to google. So I need better backing up habits if this is going to work.  In its place is a photo of Lili at our local splash pad taken the other day. We will miss this place so much! And the outdoor pool next door that the boys have been hanging out at. (Entrance to which is only granted to unaccompanied kids if they are 10, so Tadhg has his parents’ blessing to turn 10 a few months early. Blagging lessons have begun. His mum was something of an expert in this arena in her youth. Not something to be proud of. Though she is.)

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