Monday, October 14, 2013

PEI... the beach

This is such a fantastic bit of beach, one of the few undeveloped stretches to be found anywhere on the east coast. All told I think this stretch is about 6 miles long and is undeveloped because it's a barrier beach cut off at both ends by inlets to salt water lagoons. I walked north for about 4 miles one day and didn't see another soul, just two small holiday homes set back from the beach a bit.

Siesta on the beach

Fun. Pure FUN. That's all.

Beach Art

Protection from sand flies, deer flies, mosquitoes and no-see-ums. (This beach scores 10/10 but would be a 12 if there were fewer bugs)

Barrier dune system, looking Northest towards the eastern most point of PEI.

Looking Southwest towards a little boy

All day play

This little aircraft was using the deserted beach (apart from us) for practice landings.

He did a touch and go on one side, then climbed up and over us and then landed on the other side.

Storm rolling in.

Evening walk to see piping plovers

Other day time beach things not photographed... long walk, skinny dipping, naked walks (little kids and big kids alike), picnic, collecting driftwood, seagull's shell-dropping spot, sand bars in the sea, gentle place to learn about rip tides, sand dune fun, views of Cape Breton and lots more.

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