So, how did we get to Bamako... in a nutshell, a long bus ride from the border (different story for another time), a ferry crossing because the bridge was under repairs, the an even longer bus ride to get to Bamako (12hrs). All I know is that I`m glad we pushed on. Siobhan, the kids and I treated ourselves to a nice little hotel which had a pool. Brendan loved it. He kept going on about `Daddy swim to ladder and back`. So we did.
Side track, Brendan is really singing alot these days. Black sheep, twinkle twinkle, ABC`s and 1-2-3`s.
Today we moved to the Mission Catholic which is realy nice because it has a locked court yard so Brendan can have free reign of the courtyard.
Went up to Point G over looking the city at sunset. Had a nice view over the city.
Came back and had an excelent spag and bean diner and some frites. Yummy.
Anyhow, enough blabing. Here are some pictures as promised.
Monkey boy having a banana for a late night snack and a ride on Daddy`s shoulders.
Getting on the ferry at Kayes, Mali.
On the ferry. They actualy started bailing the boat qs soon as we casted off.
This is where we had to get off the ferry.
Tadhg getting lots of naked time.
Brendan pointing out some of the different carvings from a door from Dogon Country at the hotel.
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