- Lovely lupins everywhere. I've stopped the car a few times and picked big bunches for the house. I have no qualms about picking lupins simply because there are so many of them.
- Brendan has been nappy free during the day for a week now. I realised it was me that was holding the process up when he said "do a wee wee mummy?" and I said "no, darling, do it in your nappy" because I had just strapped Tadhg into the car and wanted to get home. Poor Brendan. So I grabbed the bull by the horns from that day on and made more of an effort.
- Tadhg is eating everything he's offered now. Main foods so far are toast and butter or humous, pasta, all sorts of veg, apples and bananas and melon, melon, melon. I've mixed rice cereal with fruit for breakfast a couple of times but am generally avoiding anything processed or even pureed by me. It's a much easier (and lazier) way of feeding a baby.
- Steve has nearly finished his first two courses. Exams today and then a two week respite before it all starts again. Good Luck in the exams Steve!!

- We are loving the garden. And the best thing about growing your own? I don't bother to wash the lettuce. I hate washing lettuce. So far the lettuce, radishes and herbs have been really tasty. Fresh herbs almost every day. Just need the bugs to disappear now.
- Cycled all the way into town the other day. Took an hour and 10 mintues to get to the small craft aquatic centre where we had a picnic and threw rocks in the water. We have a bike trailer that a friend kindly lent/gave us and it is perfect for the boys. Tadhg slept all the way and Brendan and I chatted about what we saw on the way. I was pooped because it was a very hot day (not to mention that I am dangerously unfit at the moment) so we phoned our backup and Steve duly arrived to take us home. He then decided to cycle home, I think just to see what it was like, so we swapped vehicles and he got home in half the time.
- I'm now vice president of Birth Matters and am currently trying to rustle up some people to walk in the Canada Day Parade here in Fredericton for a spot of awareness raising and public education.
- CISV is back in full swing with the Austrian delegation arriving on the 10th July. I'm not involved too much as the families and the leader have it all under control so I just have to do the odd thing here and there but will help out when the Austrians arrive. I've also volunteered to help with a regular activity during the next school year that brings 11/12 year old kids from CISV and the Multicultural Association together.
- And I've joined the Breastfeeding Promotion Committee. More on that later as I'm just finding out what it involves.
- Lastly, Steve and Brendan have been enjoying the pool. Brendan is a bit slow to get in but then it takes a lot of convincing and bribery to get him out. Tadhg and I are yet to venture in. That might have to wait for the temperature to rise a few degrees.
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