(They all tried but by the time the day arrived I knew they were all coming- didn't make it any less special! Siobhan)
Caitlin and Phil leaving for he airport. It was only a short stay but it was great to have them here. Paddy had the bright idea, just the week before, of staying with us in Mons for about 6 weeks.
And lastly here's a wee video of Phil playing by the fire. Well, I tried, but for some reason it won't upload. Perhaps I'll try to add it on a post of its own later.
It was lovely... with family, staring at the fire, watching my wonderful husband tend the fire(or play with it), swinging in the hammock and cuddling my 2 year old, and all the while listening to the sound of Phil and his guitar. A sound so familiar and beautiful- and every time he plays these days I feel like it's both tying me to the past and pushing me to look forward- it gives me butterflies thinking about the future, and all the music and family and good times we have ahead of us... I know, I know, I've been talking and thinking about and stressing the need to just live in the present, every day, but there's no harm in a little happy remembering of the past and hopeful thoughts of the future now and then.