To start off, I took the boys for our usual Sunday morning swim at the pool in Cuesmes. It's an older pool but the friendly staff and kiddie pool make it a favorite place in our books. Both of the boys can wade the whole area and Brendan has started to enjoy snorkeling. Even to the point where has started to float and swim on his own while hunting down our newly purchased pool rings which sink to the bottom. As for Tadhg, he loves playing with the toy boats which Nana & Papa bought a ways back.
After that, we headed to the Base, did some groceries and then ended up at the indoor soft play, Imagipark. The boys love it and we actually spent almost two hours there. I really enjoyed watching Brendan and Tadhg following each other around the different play areas. I also love the way I can send Brendan off to find his little brother. He'll lead him back by hand and say "Look Daddy, I found Tadhg and brought him back" with a big ear to ear smile.
From there it was a quick lunch at home followed by their afternoon weekend nap.
Oh, two more quickies... This is Tadhg after stuffing his face with the last of my profiteroles and chocolate sauce which B & J brought over last night.